
Posts Tagged ‘Weight loss’

How To… Kick Start Your Weight Loss Goal

"How To... Kick Start Your Weight Loss Goal"January is a very popular time to put actions in place to make changes in your life and many set a goal to lose weight.  For those of you who have decided to lose weight, I wanted to give you some tips to ensure you are successful.

1. Make changes at a realistic pace

Right now I am sure you are full of enthusiasm and keen to build a healthier life style.  Ensure the changes you make to eating and exercise habits are realistic and can be sustained.  Making too many changes all at once may be difficult for you to sustain for any length of time.  It is much more effective to concentrate of a few small changes to begin with, focus on ensuring they become a new habit and then build on them further.  Sustaining the steps you choose is much more empowering and increases self-confidence.

2. Get support

Statistics show that weight loss goals have a higher success rate when you have support along the way, so tell family and friends what you are doing and inspire them to make positive changes themselves. Find a group of like-minded people who are also working on a weight loss goal and share the journey together.

3. Write down what you eat and drink each day

Keep a little book with you and write down absolutely everything you eat and drink each day – and I mean EVERYTHING.  Your memory can be quite selective when you recall what you have eaten and whether you have stuck to commitments to eat more healthily.  Did you remember the odd biscuit with your cup of tea, that second glass of wine or the tasty samples while you were cooking?  It can be quite surprising how much you have consumed over a week and this will heighten your awareness of where to make changes.

4. Forget the end weight loss goal

Quite often repeating the amount of weight you want to lose can seem a burden rather than a motivator, especially if you have tried to lose weight in the past and have not been as successful as you would have liked.  Forget the end goal and focus instead on one small thing you can do on a daily basis that will contribute to achieving the weight loss goal you have set yourself.  By breaking the goal down into weekly steps, for example even 1lb a week, sounds much more achievable and will increase your motivation.  You may find that your weekly goal regularly being surpassed and your confidence will soar!

5. Make exercise fun

Exercise and fun can be said in the same sentence!  The key to ensuring that you stick to an exercise plan is to choose activities that you enjoy.  Choosing fitness options that you will look forward to helps you stick to them and continue to build on the progress you are making.  Having fun is essential to enjoying life and there is no reason why exercise cannot be enjoyable – you just need to make the right choice.  What activities could you do that would inspire you to get going?  Some suggestions could be dancing, cycling, sailing, jogging, playing in a sporting team, swimming, walking, belly dancing(!), tai chi, ice-skating ….. or a bit of everything!

6. Reward yourself

Please don’t underestimate the achievements you are making as you change your eating habits.  Habits of any kind have built up over a long period of time, maybe even a lifetime, and every step achieved towards changing them is a massive success.  Congratulate and reward yourself with treats (other than food) to acknowledge each success and to keep yourself motivated.  You really are doing great!

To find out more about my Smarter-Weight Coaching programmes email or call 07837048288.

Helen also has an eBook called “Beat your Battle with Food in 12 Weeks”, which you can purchase here

Helen Jones

Life Coach/Weight Management Specialist